Derivation of turbulent energy of fiber suspensions

S. F. Ahmed; M. S. A. Sarker Sarker

Volume 4, Issue 2 , June 2015, , Pages 155-163


  The energy equation for turbulent flow of fiber suspensions was derived in terms of second order correlation tensors. Fiber motion of turbulent energy including the correlation between pressure fluctuations and velocity fluctuations was discussed at two points of flow field, at which the correlation ...  Read More

Fluid Mechanics
Derivation of turbulent energy in a rotating system

S. F. Ahmed

Volume 3, Issue 1 , December 2013, , Pages 75-83


  Energy equation for turbulent flow in a rotating system was derived in terms of second order correlation tensors, where the correlation tensors were functions of space coordinates, distance between two points and time. To reveal the relationship of turbulent energy between two points, one point was taken ...  Read More