Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sirjan University of Technology, Sirjan, Kerman, 7813733385, Iran

2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Sirjan University of Technology, Sirjan, Kerman,7813733385 Iran


One of the main problems in liquid transfer tanks is the sloshing phenomenon. This phenomenon, which is associated with regular or irregular liquid waves inside the tank, can cause many risks. One of the most widely applied methods to control the fluctuations caused by the sloshing phenomenon is the use of baffles. Baffles are usually installed vertically or horizontally on the inner wall of the tank. In uniform samples (simple baffle), the hydrodynamic force on the baffle is significant. Therefore, in this research, mesh baffle from the category of permeable baffles is introduced and tested, which can significantly reduce the hydrodynamic forces on the baffle. Therefore, in the present work, the sloshing phenomenon in a rectangular tank is first modeled by smoothed particle hydrodynamics and validated. Then, the tank with a simple baffle and mesh baffle are modeled and examined. During the numerical solution (in each time interval), the hydrodynamic forces acting on the baffles are monitored and extracted. The comparison of the obtained results shows that in addition to reducing the fluctuations of the sloshing phenomenon, the mesh baffle also creates a lower hydrodynamic resistance force. 

Graphical Abstract

Comparison of the performance of mesh and simple baffles in controlling the sloshing phenomenon based on the SPH simulation


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