Publication Fee
The authors are not required to pay any fees for the submission, review, or publication processes.

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Adding Executive Assistant
On 10 June 2023, Dr. Hasan Jafari will take over the position of Executive Assistant if the journal. 

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Change of Director-in-Charge
On 16 January 2017, Dr. Gholam Hasan Payganeh stepped down as Director-in-Charge. From 26 May 2023, Prof. Faramarz Ashenai Ghasemi will take over the position of Editor-in-Chief. 

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Change of Editor-in-Chief
At 16 January 2017, Prof. Ali Nouri Boroujrdi stepped down as Editor-in-Chief. From 16 January 2017, Prof. Karen Abrinia will take over the position of Editor-in-Chief. The review procedure will accelerate and we try to decrease it to an average of 3-4 months, and the notification of the decision will be sent by the same email address: on behalf of the Editor-in-Chief.

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DoI Number
JCARME papers hase been got the DOI numbers and form now on all papers will be publish by this number.

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Scopus Index
Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (JCARME)  accepted for inclusion in Scopus.

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Call for Papers    International, Open Access and Totally Free Journal     Dear Author On behalf of Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (JCARME)  which has aScientific-Research grade from the Iran Ministry of Research and Technologyinvite you to consider submitting original research papers for possible publication after peer review. The scope of this international, scholarly journal is aimed at rapid dissemination of new ideas ...

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