Document Type : Review paper


Department of mechanical engineering, K. N. Toosi university of technology, 19919-43344, Tehran, Iran


In recent years, microfluidic devices have had various applications, such as the biological field. Hence, it is essential to study fluid flow governing equations in order to realization and ability to better control fluids in different flow regimes according to microfluidic devices. Also, study of inducing source, fabrication technique, and numerical procedure of fluid flow simulation are necessary for flow solution and are used to select proper devices.
Here, the mentioned cases have been studied. As well, numerical methods of fluid flow study for various type of fluid, their comparison and pros and cons of each of them have been briefly expressed that may be used for the development of them. Then, the extensive biological application of micromixers and micropumps have been investigated. It is expected that this paper will be of attention to scholars or practitioners in the micromixer and micropump biomedical technology field and those who enter this context for the first time and may also highlight what will assist in future development.

Graphical Abstract

A comprehensive overview of micromixers and micropumps in biomechanical applications


Main Subjects