Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India, 625015

2 Depaertment of Mechanical Engineering and Dean (R&D) Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India, 625015


This paper addresses the mixed integer reliability redundancy allocation problems to determine simultaneous allocation of optimal reliability and redundancy level of components based on three objective goals. System engineering principles suggest that the best design is the design that maximizes the system operational effectiveness and at the same time minimizes the total cost of ownership (TCO). To evaluate the performance of the TCO allocation numerical experiments were conducted and compared with previous for the series system, the series-parallel system, the complex (bridge) system and the over speed protection system. From the results of the numerical investigation, reliability redundancy allocation based on minimum TCO will lead to a more reliable, economical design for the manufacturer as well as user compared with the initial cost optimum design and conventional reliability optimum design.

Graphical Abstract

Simultaneous allocation of reliability & redundancy using minimum total cost of ownership approach


Main Subjects

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