Document Type : Research Paper


CAE Lab & CFD Center, School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, 16765-163, Iran


In recent years, impinging streams have received increasing interest for their high efficiency in heat and mass transfer. This numerical study was conducted to investigate flow and heat transfer characteristics of one-way opposing jets of non-Newtonian fluids. Effects of Reynolds number impinging angle, momentum ratio and flow behavior index on mixing index were evaluated. The results showed improvement of thermal mixing due to an increase in Reynolds number, flow behavior index and momentum ratio in impinging zone. This study also demonstrated that thermal mixing along the channel increased as the Reynolds number and momentum ratio decreased. Nevertheless, augmentation of the flow behavior index resulted in higher thermal mixing along the channel. The impinging angle had no significant effect on thermal mixing along the channel; but, with increasing impinging angle, thermal mixing improved in the impinging zone.


Main Subjects

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