Publication Ethics

Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (JCARME) adheres to the highest standards of publication ethics and will take all conceivable measures against publication errors. There should be agreement on standards of ethical behavior expected of all parties involved in the publication (authors, journal editors, reviewers, and editors).


Publication Decision

The editor of JCARME is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal will be published. The Editor (co-editor) may make this decision in agreement with other editors or reviewers.


All manuscripts received for peer review must be treated as confidential. They may not be published or discussed with others without permission from the JCARME editor (co-editor).


Contribution to Editorial Decision

Peer review assists the editor in making editorial decisions. This is done using computer software that can measure the originality of an author's work.

Standards and Objectivity

Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Referees clearly state their views along with supporting arguments.


Authors’ Duties

Originality and Plagiarism

The authors must ensure that they have written entirely original work, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, they must be properly cited.


Acknowledgement of the Source

The work of others must always be properly acknowledged. Statements that observations or arguments have been previously reported should be accompanied by appropriate citations.


Fundamental Error in Published Works

If an author discovers a material error or inaccuracy in his or her published work, the author is obligated to immediately notify the editor or editors of the journal and work with the editor to retract or correct the article. 



It must be noted that we follow Committee on Publication Ethic (COPE) rules and we have asked for its membership.


User License Agreement

JCARME provides access to archived material through JCARME archives.  All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. Permitted reuse is defined by Creative Commons user license called "Creative Common Attribution" (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)).