Document Type : Research Paper


1 Late G.N. Spakal Gurudev College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

2 MVPS’s KBT College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

3 Cusrow Wadia Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India

4 PVG's College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India

5 Department of Mechanical Engineering, KVN NSPS’s LGM Institute of Engineering Education and Research Nashik, Maharashtra, India


Measuring flow rate precisely in laminar flow has been a difficult task, especially when utilizing a Coriolis mass flow meter (CMFM) for low flow rate measurements. The meter often  under-reads the mass flow rate, making it less useful in these conditions. The dominant factor affecting the CMFM's performance in laminar regions is secondary flow, which overshadows the generated Coriolis force, leading to an under-reading of the flow rate. Previous studies have indicated that tube curvature is the most significant parameter affecting secondary flow generation and the overall performance of the meter. An omega-shaped tube configuration featuring a continuous curvature has been identified as the optimal shape for maximizing the performance of a CMFM device in laminar flow. The purpose of the investigation is to study and compare the efficiency of various Omega tube designs that have undergone slight geometric alterations. Four different configurations were evaluated for maximum time lag by vibrating at their respective natural frequencies and keeping the sensor position along the centerline of the tube configuration.

Graphical Abstract

Evaluation of omega-shaped Coriolis mass flow meter for laminar flow


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