M. E. Vakhshouri; B. Çuhadaroğlu
The effects of uniform injection and suction through the surfaces of a perforated square cylinder on the vortex shedding, heat transfer and some aerodynamic parameters have been investigated numerically. The finitevolume method has been used for solving the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible ...
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The effects of uniform injection and suction through the surfaces of a perforated square cylinder on the vortex shedding, heat transfer and some aerodynamic parameters have been investigated numerically. The finitevolume method has been used for solving the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible and turbulent near-wake flow (𝑅𝑒21400) with the k-ɛ turbulence model equations. To find the optimum conditions, the effects of injection and suction through the front surface (case Ⅰ), the rear surface (case Ⅱ), top-bottom surfaces (case Ⅲ) and all surfaces (case Ⅳ) with various injection/suction coefficient are studied. The results reveal that parameters such as pressure and drag coefficients and Nusselt number are influenced drastically in some cases as well as flow field parameters. For instance, the maximum reduction of the drag coefficient occurs at case Ⅳ while the maximum increase and reduction of Nu number occur at (|𝛤|) = 0.025 forall cases about 46% and 32%, 61% and 63%, 92% and 60% and 180% and 115% for cases Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ respectively.
Fluid Mechanics
A Hassanvand; Mojtaba Saei Moghaddam; M. Barzegar Gerdroodbary; Younes Amini
Finding the solutions for heat and mass transfer problems is significant to reveal the main physics of engineering issues. In this work, the Adomian decomposition method is chosen as a robust analytical method for the investigation of temperature and flow features in a viscous fluid that moves between ...
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Finding the solutions for heat and mass transfer problems is significant to reveal the main physics of engineering issues. In this work, the Adomian decomposition method is chosen as a robust analytical method for the investigation of temperature and flow features in a viscous fluid that moves between two parallel surfaces. To ensure the validation of results, the outcome of the Adomian decomposition method is compared with that of the Runge-Kutta method, and reasonable agreement is observed. The comparison confirms that the Adomian decomposition method is a robust and reliable approach for solving this problem. Then, diverse parameters such as Prandtl number and squeeze number are studied. Besides, the effect of chemical reaction parameter, Eckert number, and Schmidt number are comprehensively discussed. Findings reveal that the Sherwood number rises when the chemical reaction parameter and Schmidt number increase. Also, it declines with growths of the squeeze number. Likewise, The findings confirm that the Nusselt number enhances with the rising of the Eckert number and Prandtl number, and it declines when the squeeze number increases.
Thermodynamics and Cumbustion
Satyananda Tripathy; Manmatha K Roul; Akshaya K Rout
Theoretical investigation of turbulent flame impinging normally on plane surfaces isdone to determine the average Nusselt number and the plate heat flux distribution as functions of jet Reynolds number, equivalence ratio, and separation distance. The analysis is established on the mathematical formulation ...
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Theoretical investigation of turbulent flame impinging normally on plane surfaces isdone to determine the average Nusselt number and the plate heat flux distribution as functions of jet Reynolds number, equivalence ratio, and separation distance. The analysis is established on the mathematical formulation of the governing equations for conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. The turbulence phenomenon is analyzed with the help of the RNG k-ε turbulence model. The radiative heat transfer model has been designed by using the Discrete Ordinates radiation model. Results show that the heat flux graduallyincreases with the radial distance towards the plate center and attains a maximum value at a location slightly away from the stagnation point. The peak value in the local heat flux comes closer to the stagnation point when the height between the plates and the nozzle increases. Effects of variation of dimensionless separation distance on heat transfer characteristics are investigated. It is observed that heat flux gradually improves when the value of separation distance changes from 12 to 8 and decreases near the stagnation region with the further decrease in separation distance from 8 to 4.
Heat and Mass Transfer
B. Vasu; Atul Kumar Ray
This study aims to numerically investigate a two dimensional and steady heat transfer over a cylinder in a porous medium with suspending nanoparticles. Buongiorno model is adopted for nanofluid transport on a free convection flow taking the slip mechanism of Brownian motion and thermophoresis into account. ...
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This study aims to numerically investigate a two dimensional and steady heat transfer over a cylinder in a porous medium with suspending nanoparticles. Buongiorno model is adopted for nanofluid transport on a free convection flow taking the slip mechanism of Brownian motion and thermophoresis into account. The Boussinesq approximation is considered to account for buoyancy. The boundary layer conservation equations are transformed into dimensionless and then elucidated using a robust Keller-box implicit code numerically. The numerical results are displayed graphically and deliberated quantitatively for various values of thermo-physical parameters. Our results shows that, increasing the Forchheimer parameter, Λ, clearly swamps the nanofluid momentum development, decreases the flow for some distance near the cylinder viscous region, later it reverses the trend, and asymptotically reaches the far field flow velocity. Furthermore, as thermophoresis parameter increases, the heat transfer and nanoparticle volume concentration increase within the boundary layer. The present results are validated with the available results of a similar study and is found to be in good coincidence. The study finds applications in heat exchangers technology, materials processing, and geothermal energy storage etc.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Ali Akbar Rashidi; Ehsan Kianpour
Natural convection heat transfer is studied numerically in a triangular enclosure. The enclosure is isosceles right triangle and its bottom wall is hot, the hypotenuse is cold and the other wall is adiabatic. Also, a vertical magnetic field is applied in the enclosure; and there is hybrid nanofluid inside ...
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Natural convection heat transfer is studied numerically in a triangular enclosure. The enclosure is isosceles right triangle and its bottom wall is hot, the hypotenuse is cold and the other wall is adiabatic. Also, a vertical magnetic field is applied in the enclosure; and there is hybrid nanofluid inside the enclosure. This study is conducted for Rayleigh numbers of 103-105, the Hartmann numbers between 0-80, and the volume fraction of nanofluid is between 0-2 percent. Based on the obtained results, as the Hartmann number augments, the temperature of the center of the enclosure decreases due to weakening of the heat transfer flow by increasing the magnetic field forces. In addition, as the Hartmann number augments, the streamlines approach to the walls because the horizontal momentum forces decrease when the Hartmann number increases. Furthermore, by increasing the density of nanoparticles, the heat transfer rate increases, and as a result, heat transfer builds up. Finally, heat transfer improves when the hybrid-nanofluid is employed rather than ordinary nanofluid.
Composite Materials
Hamid Zalnezhad; N. Kordani
The most important reason for the design of curved tubes is increasing the heat transfer between the fluid and the wall, which has provided many applications in various industries such as air conditioning, micro-electric, heat exchangers and, etc. The aim of this study is a numerical investigation of ...
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The most important reason for the design of curved tubes is increasing the heat transfer between the fluid and the wall, which has provided many applications in various industries such as air conditioning, micro-electric, heat exchangers and, etc. The aim of this study is a numerical investigation of nanofluids flows in spiral tubes with an injection of base fluid in different Reynolds numbers. The effects of volume fraction, nanoparticle diameter, fluid injection, Reynolds number, and spin effects on heat transfer and flow in the spiral tube are discussed. In this study, a mixture of water-Al2O3 is selected to model nanofluid flow in order to investigate the changes in the heat transfer rate by the injection of nanofluid to the base fluid in the spiral tube at different angles. The results show that by the use of nanoparticles, the rotational effects of the tube and the injection process increase the heat transfer performance. It is found that increasing the volume fraction has a direct effect on increasing the heat transfer coefficient. As the volume fraction increases from 2% to 8%, the heat transfer coefficient increases by 2%. In fact, the effect of nanoparticles on the thermal conductivity of the fluid causes this increase. Also, injection of fluid into the stream due to disturbance in the thickness of the boundary layer and the further mixing of the fluid layers which increases the heat transfer. The 90-degree injection has the best effect. Cu2O3 –water nanofluid mixture is also used. The results and the comparison with the Al2O3 nanofluid model indicate that the increase in heat transfer rate in Cu nanofluid is higher than aluminum nano fluid due to higher heat transfer capacity of copper.
Heat and Mass Transfer
Hasan Najafi Khaboshan; Hamid Reza Nazif
In this research, the convective heat transfers of turbulent water fluid flow in alternating oval tubes is studied using computational fluid dynamics. The purpose of the study is to analyze the heat transfer enhancement and secondary internal flows under different alternate angles. Also, comparing the ...
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In this research, the convective heat transfers of turbulent water fluid flow in alternating oval tubes is studied using computational fluid dynamics. The purpose of the study is to analyze the heat transfer enhancement and secondary internal flows under different alternate angles. Also, comparing the effect of two schemesfor the domain discretization to be used in the solution variables’ gradients on simulation results is investigated. The secondary flow causes an increase in the numbers of multi-longitudinal vortices (MLV) by changing the angle of pitches. These phenomena permit the cold fluid flow to stream in more paths from center to tube wall and better condition for mixing of fluids. Consequently, the heat transfer enhances by using the alternating oval tubes. However, forming the multi-longitudinal vortices causes an increase in pressure drop. Also, by raising the angle of pitches, the friction factor and the average of Nusselt number are amplified. It is also observed that the average heat transfer coefficient in the transition range is more than other areas. The mean Nussult numbers of this kind of tubes in the angles of 40, 60, 80, and 90 improved 7.77%, 14.6%, 16.93%, and 24.42%, respectively in comparison with the round tube. The performance evaluation criteria (PEC) for all alternating oval tubes under the constant inlet velocity boundary condition indicated that the highest value (PEC=1.09) had been obtained at the lowest Reynolds number (Re=10,000) in the alternating oval tube 90°.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
S. Harimi; Azam Marjani
The present work deals with heat transfer characteristics as well as fluid flow patterns in laminar flow regime for a circular cylinder with six control rods arranged in equilateral triangular geometries. The computations have been carried out by a finite volume approach using the overset grid method. ...
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The present work deals with heat transfer characteristics as well as fluid flow patterns in laminar flow regime for a circular cylinder with six control rods arranged in equilateral triangular geometries. The computations have been carried out by a finite volume approach using the overset grid method. The unsteady flow at Re= 200 and Pr= 0.7 and 7.0 was examined. The effect of the control rods on suppression of the fluid forces applied on a main cylinder has been investigated by numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. Based on the results obtained, the arrangement employed in this study indicated the significant performance in reducing the oscillatory force coefficients of the primary cylinder. Except for some gap ratios, it is indicated that both drag and lift coefficients are much lower than that for a single cylinder. Moreover, forced convection heat transfer was calculated using local and mean Nusselt numbers at the surface of the cylinders. The instantaneous streamlines, the vortices and isothermal contours were presented in order to analyze the temperature field and flow field around the cylinders.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Ghanbarali Sheikhzadeh; Mahdi Mollamahdi; Mahmoud Abbaszadeh
In this study, the momentum and energy equations of laminar flow of a non-Newtonian fluid are solved in an axisymmetric porous channel using the least square and Galerkin methods. The bottom plate is heated by an external hot gas, and a coolant fluid is injected into the channel from the upper plate. ...
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In this study, the momentum and energy equations of laminar flow of a non-Newtonian fluid are solved in an axisymmetric porous channel using the least square and Galerkin methods. The bottom plate is heated by an external hot gas, and a coolant fluid is injected into the channel from the upper plate. The arising nonlinear coupled partial differential equations are reduced to a set of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations using stream function.These equations can be solved using the different numerical method. The numerical solution is conducted using fourth order Rung-Kutta method. With comparing the results obtained from the analytical and numerical methods, a good adaptation can be seen between them. It can also be observed that the results of the Galerkin method have further conformity with the numerical results and the Galerkin method is simpler than the least square method and requires fewer computations. The effects of Reynolds number, Prandtl number and power law index of non-Newtonian fluid is examined on flow field and heat transfer. The results show that Nusselt number increases by increasing Reynolds number, Prandtl number, and power law index.
Fluid Mechanics
Javad Shahbazi Karami; GH. Payganeh
In this study, hot metal gas forming process of AA6063aluminumtubeis studied with a focus on heat transfer of both fluid and solid phases numerically. An experimental study is simultaneously conducted to validate the numerical method. Some of the most important outputs of the present study, are velocity ...
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In this study, hot metal gas forming process of AA6063aluminumtubeis studied with a focus on heat transfer of both fluid and solid phases numerically. An experimental study is simultaneously conducted to validate the numerical method. Some of the most important outputs of the present study, are velocity distribution of fluid inside the tube as well as the fluid in the gap between tube and matrices. As a result of non-homogenous distribution of temperature on tube surface, circulating flows are generated inside the tube which may have considerable effects on heat transfer phenomenon. It is seen that in 600 s after start, number of the circulating flows doubles. Analysis of temperature distribution reveals thatmiddle part of the tube reaches 500 ̊C after 600 s from process start and other parts have higher temperature. By applying an efficient control method for heater elements, temperature distribution of the tube reaches a homogenous form.
Heat and Mass Transfer
J. Prakash; K. S. Balamurugan; S. Vijaya Kumar Varma
An analytical study was performed to study effects of thermo-diffusion and chemical reactions on a three-dimensional MHD mixed convective flow of dissipative fluid along an infinite vertical porous plate with transverse sinusoidal suction velocity. The parabolic partial differential equations governing ...
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An analytical study was performed to study effects of thermo-diffusion and chemical reactions on a three-dimensional MHD mixed convective flow of dissipative fluid along an infinite vertical porous plate with transverse sinusoidal suction velocity. The parabolic partial differential equations governing the fluid flow, heat transfer, and mass transfer were solved using perturbation technique and the expressions for velocity, temperature, and concentration distributions were obtained. Expressions for skin friction at the plate in the direction of the main flow, rate of heat transfer, and mass transfer from the plate to the fluid were derived in a non-dimensional form. Velocity, temperature, concentration, amplitudes of the perturbed parts of skin friction, rate of heat transfer, rate of mass transfer, and skin friction at the plate are presented in graphs and effects of various physical parameters like Hartmann number M, Prandtl number Pr, Reynolds number Re, Schmidt number Sc, Soret number So, Grashof number for heat transfer Gr, Grashof number for mass transfer Gm, and chemical reaction parameter Kr on the above flow quantities were analyzed and then the obtained results were physically interpreted.